The use of crystals to counter the negative energies around us is not uncommon. Geopathic stress is said to be a manifestation of these negative
Things You Didn’t Know About Shungite: The Stone With Healing Powers
Consisting of carbon and silicate minerals, shungite is no ordinary stone. It is known to possess healing powers, and the ability to protect one from
Meaning and Healing Properties of the Sodalite Gemstone
Sodalite is not only used for ornamental purposes, but also has many mystical and healing properties that have been attributed to it through
Explore the Meaning and Truly Magical Properties of Howlite
Do you know of an extremely calming, soft, and white gemstone that has erratic gray-colored veins? That's howlite for you! It not only makes for an
Kyanite Gemstone: Meaning, Properties, and Uses
Those who are fascinated by the mystical properties of gemstones will definitely appreciate the kyanite gemstone for its wide variety of uses and
Meaning and Healing Properties of Mystic Fire Topaz
As many of us know, gemstones are not just meant to embellish an attire, but are worn for their wondrous metaphysical properties. CrystalBenefits
Kunzite Gemstone: Meaning and Metaphysical Properties
Do you feel depressed and overwhelmed by stress? If yes, try wearing kunzite gemstones that are known to uplifts one's mood and help relieve stress
Fluorite Gemstone: Meaning, Properties and Uses
Fluorite gemstone is highly revered as an all-purpose gem. It is recognized for its curing properties and its eye-catching colors.
Meaning and Properties of Citrine Gemstone
Citrine is a sparkling and cheery yellowish-orange stone that combats negative and unwanted energies, paving the way for success into every aspect of