This article talks about the gemstone Amazonite. It’s history, meaning and uses are discussed below.
Confused with other green gemstones such as jade and emerald, the feldspar stone known as Amazonite actually has a misnomer for a name. No one has ever found any deposits of amazonite in the Amazon river basin, though it can be found in other parts of South America. Due to it getting confused with other gems found in the Amazon region, it was dubbed Amazonite or Amazon stone, and the name stuck.
Amazonite Highlights
- Amazonite’s name is a misnomer for there aren’t any deposits in the Amazon river basin.
- The stone is a rare type of feldspar.
- Feldspar is the most abundant mineral found in the Earth’s crust.
- The richest mineral deposits of Amazonite can be found in Russia in the Ilmensky Mountains.
- It is now believed that Amazonite gets its unique color due to lead impurities.
- The gem was used by ancient civilizations going back to the 10th century B.C.
- Amazonite jewelry was found in King Tutankhamen’s tomb.
- It is also known as the Stone of Truth for it is said to help one gain clarity to perceive truths, particularly truths regarding themselves.
- It’s soothing nature is said to contribute to its ability to help with emotional healing.
- It is an ideal stone for activating the Heart and Throat Chakras.
The Formation and Mining of Amazonite
Type of Feldspar
Amazonite is a rare type of feldspar. Though Amazonite itself is rare, felspars are more plentiful in the Earth’s crust than all other minerals combined. There are two basic groups of feldspars: the alkali feldspars and the plagioclase feldspars. Amazonite is part of the alkali feldspar group with it being on the low-temperature pure potassium end of the spectrum.
Color of Amazonite
For many years, the process in which Amazonite gets it color remained unknown. However, it is now believed that it gets its color from lead impurities. Amazonite is often recognized by its color and is typically found in association with other minerals such as albite feldspar, biotite mica, and smoky quartz.
Mining of Amazonite
Today, the best quality Amazonite is found and mined in Russia. Fifty miles southwest of Chelyabinsk, located in the area of Miass, Amazonite is mined from granite in the Ilmensky Mountains. It can also be found in the United States in Virginia and Colorado. Found in pegmatite, it has also been found in Canada, Madagascar, and Brazil.
Amazonite Throughout History
Legends of Brazil
Amazonite was cherished and revered by the people of the pre-Columbian era in Central and South America. It is believed that the stone was used as far back as the 10th century B.C. by ancient civilizations. And some say according to Brazilian legend, the green stones were given to visitors in the region as gifts. However, it is now believed that these gemstones were most likely jade or emerald since there are no known deposits of Amazonite in the Amazon river basin.
Legends of Egypt
The Ancient Egyptians also revered the green variety of feldspar. Chapter Seven, The Judgement of Osiris, of the Book of the Dead was carved on large slabs of Amazonite. The ancient Egyptians also used it for jewelry. In King Tutankhamun’s tomb, amulets and rings carved from Amazonite were found.
Legends of Amazon
The stone also appears in the legend of the Amazons, the famed women warrior tribe. It was thought that they adorned their shields with Amazonite and used it for jewelry. Moreover, they believed the stone had certain healing powers, and they used it extensively for medicinal purposes. They too would give this gemstone to visitors as a gift.
Uses and Benefits of Amazonite
Stone of Truth
The Amazonite rock can be used for spiritual healing, emotional healing, and physical healing. As mentioned before, it is known as the stone of truth, and it is for a reason. It can help an individual to clearly perceive the truth, especially truths about themselves. It is a stone that provides clarity, and allows one to gain understanding in their place in the world and what they have to offer.
Emotional Healing
Soothing color and nature of Amazonite is helpful in emotional healing. It can be used to overcome and heal the pains caused by severe trauma. Its ability to provide clarity enables the individual to understand and gain perspective on their trauma, pushing them towards recovery. Aggression and anger often flood the body when one has suffered severe trauma; Amazonite has the ability to counteract these emotions and replace them with rational thoughts to return the body to a state of equilibrium.
Benefits of Amazonite
The physical healing properties of Amazonite are believed to be one of the strongest among other stones. It can improve cell regeneration and help one recover from illness. Ailments afflicting the nervous system, and the throat and thyroid area of the body is believed to be alleviated by Amazonite. The stone is also an epidermal healer, curing rashes, reducing acne, and healing blistered skin.
Activating the 4th and 5th Chakras
Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk. In meditation, this is referring to the wheels or disks of energy that flow throughout the body. There are seven Chakras that align from the crown of the head down to the base of the spine. There are two main Chakras that amazonite can activate—the Heart Chakra (4th) and the Throat Chakra (5th).
Activating the Heart (4th) Chakra
The Heart Chakra is located in at the center of the chest just above the heart. This Chakra is the center of love, joy, and inner peace. Amazonite is best known for activating this Chakra, which makes it an ideal choice. By activating this Chakra, it allows one to open up their heart to love and to truly be at peace.
Activating the Throat (5th) Chakra
The Throat Chakra represents one’s ability to represent and express themselves. It is the center of communication and allows one to speak the truth. By activating this Chakra, Amazonite can enable one to speak more plainly, particularly about themselves. It empowers an individual to express themselves and speak their mind rather than be influenced by the negative energy of others.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for entertainment and reference purposes only. It is based on centuries of folklore, most of which came about before the age of modern medicine. It is not meant as actual medical information. For advice about any of the illnesses listed, please visit a qualified physician.