Wondering how you can use crystals to enhance your home or office? Here are some tips on using Feng Shui crystals, that you’re sure to find helpful.
A Gift from the Heaven Above!
The tektite meteorite is believed to possess magical powers, as it is the only stone that is not found on the Earth. It represents the water element, and is used to enhance wealth and career luck.
Crystals have been used as items of decoration for ages. However, in Feng Shui, crystals have special importance because they are used for healing and for bringing in positive energy and vibrations. There are many stones and crystals used in Feng Shui, and each one of them acts differently and hence, are used for different purposes. While some crystals absorb negative energy, others help to usher in wealth, prosperity, economic stability, good health, and love.
Here we shall learn how Feng Shui can help you to enhance the different aspects of your life, and bestow you with happiness, fulfillment, peace, and joy. Just click the sections to view the information under each.
What are Crystals?
The word ‘crystal‘ originates from the Greek word krystallos, which means frozen light. Crystals are used in making beautiful jewelry, for emotional healing, energizing your home/office, and for balancing your chakras. The energy of crystals can help us achieve our goals. Crystals emanate positive energy, and protect us from negative vibrations.
Now, not all crystals that you find in the market are the same. There are different types of crystals, such as natural crystals, crystals grown in laboratories, lead glass crystals, and so on. You can identify natural crystals by the uneven distribution of color and/or the presence of cracks. Laboratory-generated crystals, on the other hand, have a more uniform color distribution, and are perfect in shape. Lead glass crystal is made by adding lead oxide (PbO) to glass. However, lead glass crystals are rarely found these days, due to the potential health hazard caused by lead.
How Does a Crystal Help?
One question might be troubling you, and that is, “How do crystals energize the environment where they are placed?”. To find an answer to this, we need to delve a little deeper, and understand how crystals are formed. They are formed when minerals are subjected to heat and pressure in the Earth’s crust for long periods of time, and they accumulate energy during the process. It is this energy that causes crystals to vibrate with different frequencies. The energy accumulated in the crystals can affect the human aura.
A crystal stores energy depending on its chemical composition, which in turn, affects the color. The structure of the crystal is another factor. Different colors are related to different parts of the body. Some of us are more receptive than others, when it comes to sensing the energizing effects of crystals.
How to Choose a Crystal
When choosing a crystal, trust your instinct, and go for the stone that you’re naturally attracted to. Whenever you purchase a crystal, never forget to cleanse it before you start using it. You can do so using pure water or salt water. Crystals can give out energy or absorb energy, removing accumulated negative energy from the area where they are placed. You can choose crystal spheres or clusters that add to the visual appeal of your room.
Here’s a chart that tells you which crystals should be placed in which direction.
If you look at the chart carefully, you’ll see that each direction stands for different aspects, and every direction has a different color representing it. This chart is known as the octagonal bagua chart. Here we shall learn what aspect of your life each of the eight directions represent, and which are the crystals commonly used. To enhance a particular aspect of your life, you need to choose a crystal that corresponds to the respective direction.
The North is the area for career and life path.
Element: Earth
Recommended Crystals: Azurite, black tourmaline, clear quartz, hematite, iron, jet, obsidian, snowflake obsidian, smoky quartz, and sodalite

The Northeast is the area for skills and knowledge.
Element: Earth
Recommended Crystals: Cream or beige stones
The East is the area for family and health.
Element: Wood
Recommended Crystals:- Amazonite, amethyst, apophyllite, aventurine, calcite, celestite, copper, fluorite, rose quartz

The Southeast is the area for prosperity and abundance.
Element: Wood
Recommended Crystals: Green stones
The South is the area for fame and reputation.
Element: Fire
Recommended Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, clear and rutilated quartz, fire agate, garnet, gold, Herkimer diamond, ruby, sunstone
The Southwest is the area for love and marriage.
Element: Earth
Recommended Crystals: Rose quartz

The West is the area for creativity and children.
Element: Metal
Recommended Crystals: Aquamarine, blue chalcedony, blue lace agate, jade, labradorite, moonstone, opal, silver

The Northwest is the area for helpful people and for travel.
Element: Metal
Recommended Crystals: Gold, rutilated quartz, white quartz
Here is a modern version of this ancient chart that makes it easier for you to determine the specific color for each region of your house, using the main entrance as the point of reference. This is simpler because it works even if you’re not sure of the directions of each room in your house. All you need to do is place the chart over the floor plan of your home, and find the corresponding color for each area or room.
Tips to Use Feng Shui Crystals for Your Benefit
Now that you have a fair idea of which crystal to place in which area, here are a few tips to tell you how to place them.
When purchasing crystals, always do so from a reputed dealer that sells authentic stuff. Buying crystals from just anywhere can make you land up with fake ones. If you’re confused as to which crystal to choose, go for a shiny white crystal, as white is a combination of all the colors in the spectrum.