It is imperative that you would think of sapphire when we say blue gemstones, but wait! There’s an array of blue gemstones waiting to be adorned. CrystalBenefits tells you about the different hues of blue gemstones.
Did You Know?
Wearing blue jewelry will enhance your independence, soothe emotional conditions, and promote truth, devotion, and sincerity. But, it is also said that wearing only blue can make one tired and depressed.
Diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, or even rubies for that matter are pieces of mineral that are used to make jewelry or other adornments. Precious or semi-precious gemstones are classified on the basis of their color, translucency, and hardness. While very few crystals are used as gems in the natural form, most others are polished, cut, and used as jewelry.
Speaking of gemstones, one of the most important factors to be taken into consideration is the classification according to the color. Blue gemstones, for that matter, are some of the most sought after, solely because of their beauty. Here’s your guide to blue gemstones.
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Color: Light Blue
Blue Lace Agate, as it is known, is usually banded in layers of light blue, bright blue stripes, and threads of brown. Being a cooling stone, it has a soft, soothing elegance that is used to cure insomnia, promote strength and healing, and ensure a healthy life.
Chemical Formula: KAlSi3O8
Color: Light Green to Blue-green
Amazon stone, as it is known, belongs to the feldspar group of minerals. It is known to provide harmony and balance, as well as awaken compassion. Being a support stone, it aids in overcoming loneliness. It also directs anger and irritability into a more positive action.
Chemical Formula: Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Color: Light or Dark Blue
Blue apatite promotes independence and ambitiousness, which is why it is known as a motivational stone. It is used to clear confusion, apathy, and negativity. Besides, it also has a cleansing influence on the aura.
Chemical Formula: Be3Al2Si6O18
Color: Turquoise to Deep Blue
Aquamarine is a variety of beryl that can be identified by its unique sea-blue color. Regarded to be the sailor’s gem, it helps protect those journeying by sea and alleviates the fear of water. It is also known as a stone of empowerment.
Chemical Formula: CaCO3
Color: Pale Turquoise Blue to Deep Blue
Known as the stone of solitude, blue aragonite develops spiritual insight, wisdom, and truth. It also balances polarities, making the wearer calm and composed.
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Color: Blue-green
A stone of opportunity and luck, blue aventurine is a quartzite containing mica. The stone assists in self-discipline and effectively helps calm and relax fiery emotions.
Chemical Formula: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Color: Deep Blue
It’s a copper carbonate mineral with a deep azure blue color. It tempers the mind and alleviates worry and tension. It is very effective for people trying to overcome an inferiority complex.
Chemical Formula: BaTiSi3O9
Color: Deep Blue
It’s a rare gemstone which in Latin means ‘blessed.’ It is a magnificent stone to open up the level of consciousness and telepathic communication. It can be used to elate and promote synchronicity.
Chemical Formula: SrSO4
Color: Soft Blue
Also known as celestite, it is a pale blue stone that is used to establish contact with the angelic realm. It is an elevating crystal that helps stimulate psychic gifts.
Chemical Formula: (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4·nH2O
Color: Cyan Blue
Considered to be the Stone of Communication, it is devoted to expression, empowerment, and teaching. It is known to help strengthen emotional bonds.
Chemical Formula: (Al,Fe3+)7(SiO4)3(BO3)O3
Color: Deep Blue to Violet
Dubbed to be the psychic stone, Dumortierite has the potential to amplify psychic gifts. It also promotes a positive attitude to life, as well as increases self-confidence.
Chemical Formula: BeAlSiO4(OH)
Color: Pale Blue to Deep Blue
A collector’s pride, euclase is among the rare and expensive minerals. Attributed as the Stone of Happiness, it stimulates and amplifies the energies of the mind.
Chemical Formula: CaF2
Color: Pale Blue to Indigo
Known as the Genius Stone, fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations. It also increases concentration and can be used as a meditation stone.
Chemical Formula: Na3Ca(Si3Al3)O12(SO4)
Color: Electric Blue
Hauynite or haüyne is a member of the sodalite group and is popular among gemstone enthusiasts. It is said to arouse peaceful feelings, thus, making it perfect to use while meditating.
Chemical Formula: Zn4Si2O7(OH)2·H2O
Color: Pale Blue
Being an empathy stone, it aids in communicating inner feelings. It also encourages compassion and is used to develop inner strength.
Chemical Formula: Na(LiAl)3Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)4
Color: Pale Blue
Blue tourmaline or indigolite, as it is called, is a rare specimen of tourmaline. It is known to promote harmony, tolerance, and kindness.
Chemical Formula: (Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18
Color: Blue-violet
Referred to as the Viking stone, deep blue cordierite or iolite is a stone of the muses. It inspires creative self-expression as well as order in chaotic life.
Chemical Formula: Al2SiO5
Color: Electric Blue
Known as a universal bridge, Kyanite is an extraordinary crystal of connection. It is used to enhance telepathic and psychic abilities.
Chemical Formula: (Ca,Na)(Al,Si)4O8
Color: Peacock Blue
Dubbed as a stone of magic, labradorite is used to enhance the intuitive abilities of clairvoyance. It is known to tame the negative side of human personality as well as impulsive behavior.
Lapis Lazuli
Chemical Formula: (Na,Ca)8(AlSiO4)6(S,SO4,Cl)1-2
Color: Royal Blue
Symbol of royalty and honor, the lapis lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It encourages honesty, harmony, and friendship.
Chemical Formula: (Mg,Fe2+)Al2(PO4)2(OH)2
Color: Azure Blue
A highly treasured stone, the lazulite strengthens self-discipline and focus. It works as an opening channel to the collective consciousness.
Chemical Formula: (Na,Ca)8[(S,Cl,SO4,OH)2|(Al6Si6O24)]
Color: Deep Azure Blue
Lazurite is known to promote an understanding of truth and intuitive abilities. It is used to expand awareness and enhance memory.
Chemical Formula: (Na,K)AlSi3O8
Color: Silver Blue
Considered to be a good luck stone, moonstone is known to enhance intuition as well as promote inspiration. It is a stone of inner growth and strength.
Chemical Formula: Al2O3
Color: Deep Blue
Considered to be a stone of wisdom and royalty, it is associated with prophecy and Divine favor. It is a symbol of kindness and wise judgment.
Chemical Formula: ZnCO3
Color: Aquamarine
Considered to be a stone of rebirth, it is known to be auspicious for new beginnings. It aids in the recovery from trauma and promotes optimism.
Chemical Formula: Na8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2
Color: Deep Blue
Considered to be the stone of athletics, it is known to stimulate endurance. It is said to harmonize the conscious and subconscious mind.
Chemical Formula: MgAl2O4
Color: Deep Azure
Apart from being known as the stone of immortal beauty, it is also known as the great impostor. It is used for clairvoyance, aura cleansing, and astral travel.
Chemical Formula: (Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH))
Color: Lilac blue to Sapphire blue
A stone of transmutation, tanzanite is used for spiritual exploration. It helps unite the heart and mind, teaching one to live with a compassionate heart.
Chemical Formula: Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
Color: Azure Blue
A stone popular for protection and purification, the topaz also activates cosmic awareness. It is also known to purify actions, emotions, and thoughts.
Chemical Formula: Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5
Color: Turquoise
Dyed howlite, as it is also known as, is used as a calming stone. It is a stone of awareness and is used to heighten creativity and self-expression.
Chemical Formula: AlPO4·2H2O
Color: Green Blue
Known as the stone of prosperity, variscite helps find financial stability. It also helps relieve stress and enhance brain functions.
Chemical Formula: ZrSiO4
Color: Greenish Blue
Known as the stone of virtue, zircon is essentially a grounding stone. It is used to balance the virtuous aspects of an individual.